Varitherm Wax Bath
An established unit used around the world. This is efficient and odour-free and heats up to 18kg of wax. It is digitally thermostatically controlled with a safety cut-out in the event of a lack of water. Lockable castors, wax bath thermometer, and lid supplied as standard.
The Varitherm Wax Bath comprises a resin tank that holds the paraffin wax, surrounded by an electrically heated, thermostatically controlled water jacket. The temperature control may be set to maximum in order to provide rapid melting of the solid wax when the unit is first switched on. After almost all of the wax is melted, the temperature control is normally set to approximately 50° C so that the paraffin is just in its molten state. It is advisable to check the actual wax temperature with a suitable thermometer before treatment.
Wax not included – please order separately